About us

Good Karma is a European brand representing products available in the category of waste collection bags, wraps and films. The brand belongs to Cedo – a company with the vision to be climate neutral in its operations by 2030, whilst maximising the use of recycled materials in its products. Cedo has also been a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and a participant in the New Plastics Economy initiative since its beginning in 2016.

For 50 years, we have been supplying Europe’s leading retailers with consumer household products. We are focused on the future. Our sustainability roadmap outlines our approach to doing business and how we will make our contribution to achieving the goals of sustainable business development outlined by the UN in their Agenda for sustainable development 2030.

Recycling is the core of our business. For over 35 years, we have operated Europe’s largest flexible plastic film recycling centre, supporting our vision to create a more sustainable business that contributes towards a more circular economy.


Some might call it waste. We call it a valuable resource that can be recycled and reused. Reducing our environmental impact and contributing to a more circular economic approach to the use of plastic.


We recycle over 80,000 tonnes of flexible plastic waste (including home waste) to feed our two major European manufacturing sites in the UK and Poland.

Recycled plastic

Our unique ability to reprocess plastic waste into high-quality granulates gives us the opportunity to work closely with some of our partners to reprocess their plastic waste. The quality of recyclate produced allows us to manufacture refuse sacks from recycled plastic.

To find out more, visit our website www.cedo.com and follow us on